최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

드미트리 마물리야 감독의 영화 《죄지은 사람》 연구

A study on the film The Criminal Man directed by Dmitry Mamuliya

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2021.
  • 13

The film The Criminal Man directed by Dmitry Mamuliya has a unique narrative structure. This work does not adopt a logical narrative structure based on causality, which is traditionally important in genre cinema. The narrative of this film is unpredictable, so viewers accustomed to the narrative of causality may feel perplexed as to how to understand this work. In order to understand this work, which is difficult to approach with the logic of traditional genre cinema narrative, it is necessary to select and understand a few key words from this film. First, it is necessary to analyze the narrative structure of this work, which features insertion and repetition as the cinematic language of the film. The protagonist of this work, who lives an ordinary and monotonous daily life, witnesses a murder scene and becomes a murderer himself. The episodes that are occasionally inserted into the film s main narrative feel out of context, but they actually play an important role in the overall narrative of the film. In addition, the repeated actions and images in this work depict the process of the protagonist transforming from the nobody to the somebody who performs certain actions. The next thing worth paying attention to in this work is the themes of ‘witness’ and ‘voyeurism’. The image of the protagonist of the work can be defined by these two actions. In this film, the protagonist is an eyewitness to the event and an observer of the parties involved. His observation of spying on an object is nothing but voyeurism. The voyeurism associated with the erotic nature is no different in the protagonist of this work. He observes the people involved in the murder, and even spies on a woman s sexual relation. He transforms from an accidental witness to a person who secretly spies on the subject. Third, in this paper, the author looked at the themes of death and resurrection. The theme of death is related to the image of the the other found in the protagonist. At this time, the other is mainly reflected through mirrors and windows. Focusing on these characteristics, this paper attempted an overall interpretation of the film The Criminal Man, which consists of four chapters: A witness to a crime , Birth of a murderer , Unexpected death of a a coal mine worker , and The Sun .

1. 서론

2. 본론

3. 결론

