최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

꾸쁘린의 <석류석 팔찌> 일고찰

A Review of Kuprin’s The Garnet Bracelet: Focused on General Anosov’s Lexical Characteristics

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2021.
  • 10

This study examines the lexical characteristics of General Anosov, one of the main characters of The Garnet Bracelet, written by Aleksandr Kuprin, based on the language used by the character. In creating the character of General Anosov, Kuprin had him use colloquialisms and slang. Kuprin himself lived a turbulent life, which he used as a basis for the image of General Anosov, who experienced grave suffering in the military. The general treats others with years of experience, deep insight, understanding of the meaning of life, and the true power of love. His words are emotional and immensely figurative, simple as they may be. In the novel, General Anosov is a natural-born storyteller, and his stories draw the attention of those around him. Kuprin crafted a special way to use language, which is apparent in the general’s use of numerous stylish and emotionally embellished words. The Garnet Bracelet may be the purest, most fragrant, and saddest love story among his creations. Through the words of General Anosov, a man imbued with the disposition representative of the Russian people, the author reminds us and Vera, the heroine, of the meaning of true, sacrificial, and dedicated love. When the general speaks to Vera and Anna in the novel, he uses soft language filled with affection. The general and the sisters share a relationship akin to a family. As such, his words are colloquial and richly expressive. Kuprin uses strongly emotional words to characterize each character appearing in his stories, which explains the coexistence of warm, affectionate words and blatantly decorative and highly negative words in his language. General Anosov defines his character by commenting on his relationship with others and assessing and describing those people. The general’s language characterizes him as a man capable of clearly and figuratively conveying his thoughts while being a man of pure heart who truthfully communicates with others without pretense. Kuprin’s use of General Anosov’s language accentuates the general’s image, and the general plays the role of a spokesperson for the author’s thoughts on love.

1. 서론

2. 문학작품에 관한 언어학적 연구의 필요성

3. 아노소프 장군의 언어사용과 어휘적 특성

4. 결론

