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KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 동사의 상-시제 형태에 대한 다상황적 분석

A Polysituational Analysis on the Aspect-Tense form of Russian Verbs

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2021.
  • 9

Polysituational theory can be quite effective in describing the grammatical as well as the lexical meaning of verbs. The description of typical situatemes for the Imperfective present(НСВнаст), the Imperfective past(НСВпрош), the Perfective past-perfect(СВпрош.перфект), and the Perfective past(СВпрош) forms is attempted through the concept of Polysituativity proposed by N. B. Lebedeva. The idea that the contents of lexical units exist multidimensionally in both assertive and peripheral situations within the situateme and that they are propositionally structured can serve as a theoretical basis for learning the intrinsic concept of the aspect-tense form of Russian verbs. The result of the description can clearly designate content components for grammatical meanings that can be easily recognized by learners of Russian as a foreign language, but which are difficult to lead to a coherent level of comprehension. Therefore, the information on the situatemes of the aspecttense forms of Russian verbs described from the point of view of polysituational theory can be meaningful from the perspective of the methodology for teaching of communication-oriented russian as a foreign language.

1. 서론

2. 동사 어휘의 다상황적 분석

3. 러시아어 동사 상-시제 형태의 전형적 상황소

4. 결론

