Некоторые игровые стратегии в языке современной газеты: графические окказиональные слова
Some game strategies in the language of a modern newspaper: graphic occasional words
The aim of our article was to analyze some game strategies for creating occasional graphic innovations in the modern newspaper discourse of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. In connection with this goal, the following tasks were set: - to identify occasional innovations in the Russian and Kazakh Russian-language press, which are a means of a language (graphic) game. - to clarify the typology of graphic game techniques in the newspaper discourse of the two countries in order to record any changes (upward or downward) in their use by the journalists of the two countries for the period from 2008 to 2021. - to consider occasional word formation on the example of innovations of recent years, motivated by both appellatives and various kinds of onyms (anthroponyms, toponyms, etc.), as well as abbreviations); - to find out whether this type of language graphic game is a popular means of attracting the attention of potential readers. The object of our research is graphic innovations in newspaper headlines, formed in various graphic ways. The analysis of newspaper material shows the variety of graphic techniques in the modern Russian and Kazakh Russian-language press. These are capitalization, graphoderivation, orthographic occasional words, as well as various means of paragraphics (brackets, quotation marks, etc.), the use of which indicates the strengthening of the game principle in the newspaper language. The graphic game in the language of the newspaper is mainly found in the headings. The sources of factual material were Russian and Kazakh newspapers for the period from 2008 to 2020. The material for the article were the headlines of the newspaper articles in the Russian and Kazakh Russian-language press, as well as the texts of the articles themselves, which include graphic occasional words that were identified and analyzed by the author personally.
1. Введение
2. Графические окказионализмы