본 논문은 현행 한문 교육에서의 문체교육을 문제 삼으면서, 한문문체개념의 설정, 한문문류의 장르분류체계와 그 용어, 한문문체교육의 범위와 그 방향성 등에 대하여 논의하였다. 한문학에서 사용되는 문체라는 용어는 국내에서도 연구자에 따라 문체, 體類, 갈래, 양식, 형식 등의 용어가 다양하게 쓰이고 있다. 이들의 논의에서 문체의 개념을 정리하여 보면 文類, 類別과 같은 갈래용어, 體式, 體裁와 같은 형식용어, 作風, 文風과 같은 風格용어, 풍격과 형식을 함께 의미하는 문체 등과 같은 용어들이 혼재되고 있음을 알 수 있다. 서구문학의 Genre와 Style의 개념이 동시에 적용되고 있는 것이다. 그러므로 필자는 이러한 혼란을 피하기 위하여 최소한 중등 교육현장에서는 형식, 수사의 개념에는 文體라는 용어를 사용하고, 갈래를 나타내는 개념에는 文類를 사용하자고 제의하였다. 그리고 한문문류의 장르분류체계와 그 용어에 대하여서는, 平仄, 韻脚, 造句와 같은 율격의 3요소들을 주요 작문장치로 사용하는 辭賦, 箴銘, 頌贊 등과 같은 장르를 독립된 ‘律文’으로 분류하여, 한국한문학의 장르를 그 작품형성의 원리에 기초하여 시, 율문, 산문의 3대 장르로 분류할 것을 제안하는 동시에 문류를 분류하는 단계별 용어를 교육함에 있어서 門-類-項-子目과 같은 전통적인 문체분류 용어를 사용하자고 제안하였다. 끝으로 한문문체교육의 범위와 그 방향성에 있어서는 먼저 文類와 독립된 의미로서의 文體개념을 제시하고 그런 기반 위에서, 산문은 변문체와 고문체를 기준으로 시대와 학파에 따른 문체특징을 제시하고, 율문은 잠명, 송찬, 사부 등의 다양한 글쓰기 양상들을 학교급별, 과목별로 수준과 난이도를 조절하여 정리 제시하자고 제안 하였다.
The style-centered education is the foundation and flower of sentence-centered education. In terms of literary deed, understanding of a wide variety of style and genres are most essential for our understanding, reading and writing the sentences. The reasons are that its style and genre result in style critique at the stage of appreciation and criticism assessing aspects shown through literary figuration. Considering so much importance of style, I cannot stress enough how important style-centered education is. Then, how will we teach style in reality? First, we keep the accent upon setting up the concept of style. In fact, academic circles and researchers didn t settle down to this issue yet. Generally, it has been tacitly distinguished type of literature and style. In addition, distinction of type of literature and style is suitable for secondary education and applies favorably. Second, we are required to determine the criteria for classification on various types of literature written by Chinese character. We should arrange the variety literature types based on Chinese literature according to genres as soon as possible. At this point of over half a century when we have studied Chinese literature in this country, there s no way I can avoid the blame for no agreement was reached at the academic world. In terms of distinction of genres, it is true that frame of distinction is clear and applicable universally. However for now, we have not had the criteria of it, neither arrived at an arrangement with. Following is the genre of Chinese literature in independent provisions of a criminal code: Cifu(辭賦), Jammyeong (箴銘) and the words of praise which I used three elements of meter such as a pitch of phoneme, a metrical foot and rhyming couplets as writing mechanism. Three views of genre of literature type from Korean Chinese literature are suggested as follows; poetry, provisions of a criminal code and prose based on principle of literary works structure. In summary, this suggestion that we should use three elements of meter such as a pitch of phoneme, a metrical foot and rhyming couplets as writing device is the system of classification in connection with genre according to specific standards based on principle of literary works structure. Therefore, I suggest this can be applied to the educational arena and solved problem which Chinese literary such as Cifu(辭賦) and words of praise remains the single biggest obstacle to set up Chinese literary genre at the same time. In addition, I would use traditional Chinese literature terms, namely Mun(門)-Ryu(類)-Hyang(項)-Jamok(子目) in making the kinds of literature the classification in a step-by-step words. Using traditional words gives aid to solve genre concept ambiguity meanwhile; it is contributing to understand classification of the types of literature. Finally, style education which signified form of Chinese character and rhetoric suggests the types of literature as well as independent style concept. Beyond base of this concept, prose based on the above three genres are suggested characteristics focused on Byunryeamun style(騈儷文體) and archaism according to times and school. And if we articles of a criminal code show with a variety of writing aspects as Jammyeong (箴銘), words of praise and Cifu(辭賦) as adjusting level and difficulty according to school, class and subjects, it is easy to problem solve.
1. 序論
2. 用語槪念探索
3. 文類敎育探索
4. 文體敎育探索
5. 提案