최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

義烈鬪爭의 文學的 形象化 『騎驢隨筆』

The Mule-trip Essay(騎驢隨筆): The Literary Reflection of The Patriotic Martyr’s Struggle

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The Mule-trip Essay has considered as just a historical document which is written during a travel around the trails independence activists had left riding a mule. This paper is rather focused on the literary part of it as biographies of historical figures in Japanese colonial era. In this manner, the Mule-trip Essay could be figured as three literary characteristics. The first feature is that it has mainly been a biography. Even if it is called Essay, a writer itself considered and wrote it as biographies for a historical figures. Second, it has very lifelike atmosphere. Since a writer collect direct informations by riding mule instead of gathering hearsay, it has a truth-based and quite conductive impact to readers. The third feature is that it overcome typical boredom of historical documents by using various conversation skills. The contents of the Mule-trip Essay are quite distinguished, too. It pays attention to female independence activists. Especially in Song Sangdo(宋相燾)’s, the female characters are very distinctive. There will be two viewpoints about these female characteristics in this paper; as a good wife and a wise mother in Confucianism society and an independence activist against Japanese occupation toward Korea. Dealing with the spectrum of characters has also a quite extensive aspect, too. Yangban, the aristocrat of Korean society, and Chunmin, the bottom class of the society are handled almost equally in the Mule-trip Essay notably In Song Sando’s, despite most document’s tendency at that time toward only a ruling class.

1. 서론

2. 문학적 형상화의 특징

3. 희망의 메시지를 전하는 여성형상

4. 초월적 시각으로 표현한 인물형상

5. 결론

