최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

19세기 말~20세기 초 전통 지식인 한시의 문학사적 성격 검토

The Characteristics of Sino-Korean Poems in late 19th~early 20th Century - in the case of Cheok-am(拓菴) -

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The sino-Korean poem of late 19th century to early 20th century did not get enough attention in the literary aspect. Sino-Korean poems were practically the main stream of creative works of the era, though it is considered to be the vanishing trend due to the characteristics of the period. However, poems written by the sino-Korean intellectuals of the time, especially those from Yong-Nam, were the core of the contemporary literature, and the intense conscience of reality and the indomitable independent conscience consist one of the important topics of the time. The poems of Cheok-am Kim, Do-hwa( 拓菴 金道和, 1825~1912) also have the literary values. Cheok-am was the core leader of Yong-Nam intellectuals, and was also a patriot who took the lead as civil forces protecting national sovereignty. Because of his deeds, his poems were understood based on his historic moves, and all his literary works were considered as the replacement of his societal remarks. However, every individuals have both public-self and private-self, and Cheok-am s poems also share his public statements and private statements. The poems showing strong characteristics of publicness deal with topics of conservative patriotism, independence, or enragement. On the contrary, poems of private characteristics show tender, careful and nature-loving features. At the last days of his life, he shows the insight to let every, public or private, activities colligate and flow as one natural stream. I would like to correctly perceive two subjects. One is, works of any figures who are considered to have historic characteristic have to also have emphasis on the features of private-self in the literature field. The other is, in case that a work is from the time of literary transforming era, the work should not be underestimated for having literary features of past era. In this point of view, Cheok-am s poems deserves attention. He is an outstanding patriot, and at the same time, tender poet, as well as has created valuable works well enough to be mentioned in history of literature of from late 19th century to early 20th century.

1. 논의할 과제

2. 拓菴 시의 배경

3. 拓菴 시의 성격

4. 拓菴 시의 문학사적 의미

