This study, the study of literature is written as the theme Mt. Gyeryong. In the past Mt. Gyeryong unknown to the literary. And literature than any other ideology was here. the theory of configuration of the ground of the center stage reputedly the Mt. Gyeryong been known. Mt. Gyeryong of several scholars hideout, where there are many. Each period and here are the ruins of the well-known. Writers exert their literary skills for Mt. Gyeryong. Was regarded as a place to hone their academic writers here. And record for loyalty Gyeryongsan lot. In Mt. Gyeryong can relate to the sentiment in awe of the target than the air that you can feel natural space was. Medieval literary intellectuals of feeling for nature and zest broadly reflect, rather than being kept in the literature Mt. Gyeryong is expressed as a limited appearance. Cause these magnificent and lush forests or far away or new writers want to cruise and travel to the explosion of literary utopia, and one is not.
1. 序論
2. 文獻 속에 나타난 鷄龍山과 傳承
3. 忠節의 安息處와 士의 卜居地
4. 士의 興趣와 感興
5. 結論