The end of 18th Century, is regard as very important time of the vertex spread King Chung Jo(正祖)’s “let’s back to pure Stylistic(文體反正)” claim. This time is also need to pay attention in the change of Han Character shape. Among them, in the MuYeDoBoTongJi(『武藝圖譜通志』), the number of Character is very few, but compare with character shape in Early Chosun Dynasty(朝鮮) works, contain used many old character shape and unique Character shape. In the field of type ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’, used in standard Character shape in『GyuJangJeonUn(奎章全韻)』, and this shape continue used in personal works press to the end of 18th Century. In the view of Change of Character shape method, use add some component make various type way is Earlier than other way, like a ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’, all is used in standard Character shape in『GyuJangJeonUn(奎章全韻)』. In the case of Remove some component make various type, only include two component shape ‘###’and ‘###’, is used in standard Character shape in『GyuJangJeonUn(奎章全韻)』, but the other character is not accepted to this press. In the Case of substitute some component shape is early than use old character , like ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ ‘###’ is used in standard Character shape in 『GyuJangJeonUn(奎章全韻)』. A view of used character shape in The『MuYeDoBoTongJi(武藝圖譜通志)』, The most special thing is acceted and press ‘old Character shape’ and different Character shape, not used in any book in the earlier. This character shape is also accepted to 『GyuJangJeonUn(奎章全韻)』, 『GyuJangJeonUn(奎章全韻)』’s character shape is continue used in personal works press to End of Chosun Dynasty. Through this research, can know some of Character shape change in not connect to simple using stroke and component who using, also not connect to some of school ‘s thinking and using way. Can prove using some of Various character shape in the press to End of Chosun Dynasty, is connected with press『GyuJangJeonUn(奎章全韻)』by King Chung Jo(正祖)’s “let’s back to pure Stylistic(文體反正)” claim.
1. 서론
2. 字形檢討
3. 결론