This article, with had been finding and reporting the books, own at University of California, Berkeley as a momentum, pay attention to the literature and compilation, especially『SamGaMunJon』and『YiYouRakJon』of Sim Yi-Poung who had been highly reputed as a bibliophile in the late period of Chosun. As Sim Yi-Poung had studied under Ru Sin-Whan, encountered reputation of Hong Suk-Joo․Kim Mae-Sun․Hong Gil-joo who had been known as representative writers in 19th century. After that he had obtained books which was written by Hong Suk-Joo․Kim Mae-Sun․Hong Gil-joo and pored over it. Futhermore, he had joined the process which publish 『DongMunJipSung』,and took a leading role, so he revised and wrote a preface. 『SamGaMunJon』and『YiYouRakJon』, as the compilation of Sim Yi-Poung which related with Hong Suk-Joo․Kim Mae-Sun․Hong Gil-joo in 19th century, is the materials that will give a firm grasp of intellectual s estimation and possession in the late period of Chosun.
1. 머리말
2. 沈宜平의 文藝活動
3. 『三家文存』과『怡餘畧存』
4. 맺음말