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KCI등재 학술저널

東谿 趙龜命의 산문을 통해 살펴보는 碑誌․傳狀類의 향방 試論

literary style direction of Bijiryu and Jeonjangryu in the Prose of Donggye Jo Gwi-Myeong

  • 9

We examined changing aspects of prose of Bijirye and Jeonjangryu through <Youmoleeshimyojimyeong> and <Woijomojeungjeonggyeongbuinleeshi-jeon>, prose of Donggye Jo Gwi-Myeong. Life of heroine is objectified looking or memory in Myojimyeong of most nannies. Life of nanny is restricted to sacrifice and faithfulness for me with keeping a distance from me . It is only concluded objective attention and assessment about life of heroine to object the heroine and to keep a distance from life of the heroine. Therefore, a nanny and me can t be closed in the Myojimyeong. However, <Youmoleeshimyojimyeong> of Jo Gwi-Myeong concatenate from life of a nanny to hardship connected a process of my growth . It is just exposing and honesty of my emotion to concatenate a object in the Myojimyeong. Thus, we think that Bijiryu style in the late Joseon Dynasty is changed to styles which character s life story is dealt and author s real feelings are expressed. It seems to be that Jo Gwi-Myeong externally wrap up his grandmother s life by <Woijomojeungjeonggyeongbuinleeshijeon>. Jo Gwi-Myeong express humane sympathy and admiration to his grandmother who conducted too difficult works as women in the Middle Ages. However, the sympathy and admiration are hard to judge a emotional closing like <Woijomojeungjeong-gyeongbuinleeshijeon>. Other than expressing sympathy of his grandmother s life, it bring up problematic aspects of his grandmother s life. First, his grandmother s life is difficult to include as normative women s virtue. There is a problem to regard as a attitude of women in the Middle Ages. Also private ownership, word and behavior of male domain such as Bijiryu, Yeonsirye, study and governability are problem. Second, his grandmother s life is a unhappy consequence . Her hard effort in home is concluded home fall, and her wise showed in male domain is concluded childless. It is problem that effort and smartness of women are concluded unhappy. Jo Gwi-Myeong expressed problematic aspects of grandmother s life by Jeonjangryu style, it was brought up a problem again. According to the two prose of Jo Gwi-Myeong, Bijiryu is changed as prose which express feeling and emotion and Jeonjangryu is changed as prose which reasoningly examine and become an issue about problematic aspects.

1. 서언

2. 내면표출과 서정성: 유모이씨묘지명 병서

3. 비정형적 삶에 대한 환기와 문제제기: 외조모증정경부인이씨전

4. 결어

