The education of the knowledge society in the 21st century is necessary formating student s sound for the work value, the ability of the understanding nature, warm-caring for others and the education for the whole person. The purpose of this paper was to examine the learning effects on work value and scholastic achievement according to the differences(having or not) by the certificates of qualification in Sino Korean education of the Junior high school. And, for attaining the purpose of study, this study was applied to the students(n=155) after extracting the work value elements in KIPAT based on the resived Sino Korean education curriculum of the Junior high school in 2009. The implications of this paper are as follows: First, the whole effects of differences by the certificates of qualification for the Sino-korean learning on work value shows statistically significant differences. Second, the effects of the scholastic achievement shows statistically significant difference in the subjects of Korean, history, mathematics, science, English, Sino Koreans. Third, the effects of the scholastic achievement according to the sexes, the girl students shows statistically significant differences in the subjects of Korean, history, Sino Koreans in comparison with the boy students.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 연구내용 및 분석
4. 결론