최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

歸溪 金佐明의 삶과 詩文學 硏究

A Study on the Literature of Kim Jwa-Myeong(金佐明)

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The purpose of this thesis is to explain the life and the characteristics of poetry of Kim Jwa-Myeong(金佐明). He is a son of Kim Yuk(金堉) who was noted as a honorable politician and an economist. And he is a father of Kim Suk-Joo(金錫冑) who was renowned as a prose writer in 17th century. Poetry of Kim Jwa-Myeong can be classified into three groups. First is the intercourse-poems(交遊詩) which are written in a close friendship with many friends-Shin Choi(申最), Cho Jin-Suk(趙晉錫), Cho Kyui-Suk(趙龜錫), Cho Bee(趙俻) and so on. Friends and the Friedship are important things in his literature. He composed poems with his friends in a pavilion which was built by his father. Or going to the gazebo which layed on the In-wang Mountain, they recited poems gazing at a scene of exceeding beauty. Secondly, after reading the History(史記) he wrote his impressions in a number of poems. And he made some after traveling to China. In these poems, we can see his perception of History. He thought that selection of fit persons for higher position is a grave problem upon which the destiny of the nation depends. And he regarded the History(史記) as important. These thoughts was succeeded from his farther to him and his son. Thirdly, he wrote poems in a place of exile. And he made a poem(和歸去來辭) after the example of Do Yeon-Myeong s poem(歸去來辭). In these works, we can find the slant on the self and society. He thought that there are many traitors in Court. So he compared them to weeds and scrub-trees. And comparing himself to beautiful flowers and Woo Kong(愚公), he expressed a high opinion of himself. He composed poems in a time of trials. But he didn t let all his frustrations out nor spoke in a harsh tone. Instead, he controled his anger and improved himself by writing literary works. And his literature has a big effect on his son.

1. 序論

2. 歸溪의 삶과 作品 活動

3. 歸溪 詩文學의 特徵

4. 結論

