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KCI등재 학술저널

麗末~鮮初의 家訓類 詩文에 나타난 家庭敎育

Home education as shown in poetry and prose of descendant discipline from the late Goryeo to the former part of Joseon

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From the late Goryeo to the former part of Joseon, Sadaebu face political and social problems and live fiercely. So, they reflect their wisdom and experience of life in the article of descendant discipline, exhort their family, and long for their faithful living. The first man who wrote Hunja-poem(訓子詩) is Leesaek(李穡). He who Keeped his chinning up even at desperate moments reflects on his life throughly, and exhort his descendants to live as a Confucian scholars. Especially, he emphasis on the life of Jongyongjungdo(從容中道) which based on the practical teachings of 『Sohak(小學)』. Leejik(李稷) is the fellows of Leesaek(李穡). He participate in the great work of founding Joseon dynasty, is granted the title of a meritorious retainer at the founding of a dynasty. As he gets involved in political matters, he has gone down into his hometown for eight years. But he offers his daughter becoming one of the king s concubines, he return to the political world. As he has the way of life like these, he emphasis on the life of Yujaesunsu(惟在順受) which followed the spirit of the times. Sinsukju(申叔舟) is a vassal of merit in the former part of Joseon, lived life of luxury for terms of his life, become a minister entrusted with the king Sejo s deathbed injunctions, and carries out a mission of great importance. On the other hand, he is afraid of other people s jealousy. So he leaves six articles of descendant discipline which based on the method of developing one´s mind in 『Daehak(大學)』. The point of six disciplines is Mulgiseongman[物忌盛滿] which means that all things avoids flourishing. Kimjeongguk(金正國) lived a turbulent period. Ending in failure of Jogwangjo s reformed politics, he has been pointed out key figure of the Salimpa(士林派), and has been banished his hometown for twenty years. During these years, he emphasis on the importance of Jisin(持身) , Susin(守身) and Gyeong(敬) to his descendants. Kiminhu(金麟厚) is key figure of the Honam(湖南) Salimpa(士林派). Until his middle years, he thinks that 『Sohak(小學)』 is an importance book in the developing one´s mind. He sums up the key word of 『Sohak(小學)』with Gyeong(敬). He thinks that it contains an exemplar of teaching and learning, it is a basic raw material to study『Daehak(大學)』, and is furnished with developing one´s mind.

1. 머리말

2. 隱者의 가정교육 - 務本中道의 삶 추구

3. 勳舊派의 가정교육

4. 道學派의 가정교육

5. 결론

