This study considers the feature of form and narrative style of Kim Siseup s miscellaneous writings. Kim Siseup s Miscellaneous writings is as long work as it comprisestwo-installments length in a collection of literary works, and also is the prose works that the writer s extensive and profound thoughts embracing Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are synthetically expressed. As the feature of Miscellaneous writings form, firstly, it mentions the separation of volumes and randomness of its appellation. Through a fact that a correlationship of autocratic content and Q & A of questioner and answerer between chapter and chapter are closely connected, it determines that although each miscellaneous writings of volume.16 and 17 in a collection of works are separated as ten chapters, this is a separation just for a convenience. In addition to this, through a fact that there exist several chapters that the title and content do not correspond, it verifies the title of each chapter is also discretionally denominated just by taking two letters from the forepart. Then, this study considers the narrative style of Miscellaneous writings . Miscellaneous writings is a catechetical prose that all chapters are written in a hypothetical catechetical-technique, and it estimates the acquirable effect from this catechetical narrative style, by analyzing the works on the basis of its narrative style. Specially, Miscellaneous writings has a form that the situation set-up in the introduction and questioner s persuasion in the final part are omitted, and an extremely emphasized discussability on a form, by magnifyingthe answer of Cheonghanja who takes a role to remind, speaking for the writer. But the answerers, a guest and someone, carry out their role as the assistor faithfully, by raising a counterargument against Cheonghanja s opinion, changing a topic by throwing a question or suggesting various subjects. Because this works were written in a catechetical narrative way, it is considered that Kim Siseup could clearly explain the knowledge of sundry materials, effectively encompassing vast subjects.
1. 서론
2. 형식적 특징 - 편의 구분과 그 命名의 임의성
3. 서술방식 - 의론성이 강조된 문답의 서술방식
4. 결론