최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

禪家의 蓮華詩 世界

Zen Family s(禪家) a Lotus Flower Poetry(蓮華詩) Sphere(世界)

  • 7

A lotus flower symbolizes a true gentleman(君子) in a Confucian scholar(儒家)and also Chinese Poetry it decides detail scope genre as a Zen poetry(禪詩)of Zen family(禪家). A lotus flower is the first, a matter of course among the ten gracious plants(十君子) and it beloved as a subject matter of poems by the moralist(道學者) in a Confucian scholar and the literary man(文人). Therefore there are affluent the data of study object. There are except on four gracious plants and ten gracious plants(四君子․十君子), blooming flowers do embroidery on Chinese literature in a Confucian scholar which are so beautiful. But a lotus flower symbolizes Buddhism. In the Buddhist family when the flower compares only with a lotus flower of symbol figure of speech so the lotus flower sphere which reveals in Chinese poetry(漢詩) of a Confucian scholar(儒家) and which lets wait other flowers. And I clarify my study scope and aim of the reason of a lotus flower poetry(蓮華詩) in Zen family(禪家) in theme scope of a lotus flower. In contents(內容) of a lotus flower poem in Zen family is follows: 1. Running of Zen(禪趣) at leaves in lotus flowers(荷葉) 2. Know of Zen(禪悟) through know of flower(覺華) 3. Delight of Zen(禪悅) in rainy flower(雨花) I divide into the above three detail and consider. Like these, I study aesthetics of know in Zen family(禪家) through a lotus flower(蓮華). I postpone post-study Buddhist family s(佛家) a variety of types such as meaning of a lotus flower and a lotus flower poetry(蓮花詩) in a Confucian family(儒家) which will appear future outlook on account of limited space.

1. 硏究範圍 및 方向

2. 禪家의 蓮華詩 形成 背景

3. 禪家 蓮華詩의 內容

4. 맺음말

