From now on, I ve looked through the literature as a flower of the human activity, especially the phenomena that the ancient Chinese characteristic study is closely related to real flowers. The reasons that poets write poetries are inexplicably complicated that I cannot tell simply, but I can divide these into four points. First point is that it is the reaction from numerous kinds of flowers and the shapes and the diversity of these flowers through the world. Some poets wrote about the flower that they concerned with for their whole life, but others like the poets who followed Prince An-pyung and King Sung-jong serially wrote Bi-hye-dang 48young, which is the songs about each flower in the garden. The poems which were written serially about one same flower like “Back-mae” are also a kind of these poems. Second type of these kinds of poems is the song which is written realizing the providence of the Nature through a withering flower once so beautiful or the transition of flowers along with the seasons change or firmly grounded colorful flowers. Thirdly, they didn t see a flower as just a flower. They saw the shape of a human in it. For example, poets said that an ume flower is a beautiful woman or a morally achieved nobleman. We could catch that they pictured various human characters through various flowers. Finally, they tried to reveal diverse values we seek through lives such as friendship, fidelity, and seclusion. They also tried to implicate their sublime spirit world people pursue which is like that don’t saturate in philistinism or don t clave for wealth.
1. 머리말
2. 美的 多樣性의 追求
3. 奧妙한 理致의 發見
4. 多樣한 人間像의 표현
5. 人間世上 價値의 發現
6. 맺음말