This paper is a study about the change in the status of Chinese Character Department according to the change of the organization after the fifth Country-level curriculum. After the fifth curriculum, the organization of curriculum increased the standard course hours of Korean, English, math. The concentration to the subjects-Korean, English, math- is aimed at easing the learner’s burden through the reduction of the number of subjects. However, the reality of the curriculum operation in school showed that it had incited the abnormal management of those subjects. It also proved that the standard course hours that were increased in the subject organization had been wasted on solving problems or prerequisite learning for preparing the entrance examination. The concentrated form for some specific subjects relatively meant the alienation or the exclusion on the other subjects, and the others had to submit to reduce the standard course hours. The position of Chinese character in middle school deteriorated from having 3 to 5 standard course hours as a mandatory subject in the fifth curriculum to having only 1 hour in average as a optional subjects in 2009 curriculum. In highschool, Chinese character one had 4 standard course hours as a common mandatory subject and Chinese character two had 4 hours as a mandatory subject according to the curriculum, However, Chinese character one was changed to an optional course that was included in the group of subjects-technology ․home economics/ the second foreign language/Chinese character/liberal art, and Chinese character two is being run its standard course hours with each school’s autonomy, though its curriculum was suggested. Considering that school curriculums are generally formed for the sake of the subjects which are included in the entrance exam, Chinese character two would not be chosen at school. Country-level curriculum can be changed by the requirement of the age. Nevertheless, it is the important element of practicing autonomous education that the Country-level curriculum was decentralized to operate it independently at school. However, it is definitely wasting the curriculum to run the independent operation of curriculum in the way of solving problems, reference books or prerequisite learning for preparing the entrance examination. The unequal distribution of the organized hours to Korean, English and math is that the realization of major educational purpose in other subjects including Chinese character was conceded. The present limping operation of school curriculum that is being dissipated from the Country-level curriculum has to be stopped, and it needs to review the current curriculum in the beginning.
1. 序論
2. 敎育課程 編制의 變化와 特徵
3. 學校 敎育課程의 運營의 實態
4. 敎育課程에서의 漢文科 敎育의 位相
5. 結論