In this paper, I have latched on prescribing Chinese literary genre and classification system. Ways of studying the issue, I presented researchers discussion by categories, and then, compared and analyzed the recognized issues in the contents. This helps not only to arrange discussions developed in a desultory way until now, but also find a solution. As a result, three big issues are magnified; discriminating criteria of type of literature, Chinese genre setting and its terms and classification by literary style of Chinese literature (layer). Therefore, on this issues in this paper, a way to resolve the issues is provided based on traditional Chinese literature as follows; classification by Chinese literary style as composing device for writing literary work, Chinese genre classified by poetry, writing according to the rule and prose and classification system of Chinese literature set up as the following terms; Mun (large section: 門), Ryu (middle section:類), Pyeonmok (unit section:篇目) and Pum (low section:品). The proposal is subject to change an alternative after the researchers conduct in-depth discussion and go through negotiation process. I want many researchers with any keen interest in Chinese style not only to give much advice and helpful suggestions, from many different angles, but also to arrange specifically classification system of Chinese style as presenting Chinese literary criteria and system.
1. 서론
2. 현황과 분석
3. 쟁점과 제안
4. 결론