This article examined key issues of Korea’s Chinese prose research history and suggested future plans. Korea’s Chinese prose research started by studying ancient documents in the early 1980s and accumulated considerable theoretical achievements until later 1990s. Based on these efforts and achievements, the historic developments of Chinese prose were unfolded. As for the developments after late 16th century when talks on prose were much activated, many theses were released, proving the relevance with literatures of Ming and Qing Dynasties of China. Researches on Kim Chang-hyup and Park Ji-won became full blown, who played an essential role in the history of prose criticism and creation. The most heated discussion in Chinese prose research in Korea is between those who argue for external influence and for internal development and for school development as an extension. The external effect argument was sparked by researchers who viewed existing Chinese prose studies looked away from more substantial truth by accepting only the theories of western modernization and nationalism. They proved some developments that had been vaguely regarded as internally driven or national characteristics were actually due to external influence. Whereas the internal development argument started from the reflection that the external influence argument concentrated solely on discovering similarities with Chinese literature while overlooking internal drivers. The argument is significant in that it explored more independent and characteristic features the external influence argument failed to properly deal with. These debates have stood against each other for the recent 10 years, generating rich and interesting discussions. In terms of the theory of work, however, it is regrettable that only few writers such as Jiwon Park in late Chosun Dynasty have been discussed. It is true that researches on writing styles, rhetorics and other expressive features can produce a meaningful result when contextual characteristics are sufficiently considered together and to do this, researchers have to invest lots of time and efforts, facing more difficulties. However, in order for a further leap forward of Chinese prose researches, careful understanding of subject works must the first to make.
1. 들어가는 말
2. 외적 영향론과 내적 발전론
3. 조선의 고문가와 명․청 문학유파
4. 한국 한문산문의 사적 전개과정에 관한 서술
5. 나가는 말