최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

題畵詩를 통해 본 朴齊家와 杜甫의 관련 연구

The connections between Pak Jega(朴齊家) s and Du Fu(杜甫) s poems on paintings(題畵詩)

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Chojeng(초정) had said that the man who only learns from Du Fu who has high level on creative writing is the most unskillful man. This paper has tried to study the connections between Chojeng and Du Fu by the comparisons of their poems on paintings. As a result, we found that there are many points in common. First of all, both of them have much more poems on paintings than others at the same period and the poems have various subjects. Secondly, both of their poems have attracted the attention by the effect of non-fiction. Then, we also found that they both not only inscribed the theory of paintings in their poems on paintings, but also had the similarity on paying attention to goodness at both form and spirit, as well as drafting. Lastly, comparing Chojeng s Lyric of Pine, stone, cloud, dragon painting(松石雲龍圖歌) with Du Fu s Lyric of Weiyan s double pine painting(戱爲韋偃雙松圖歌) , we found that their descriptions on drawing process or on the effect after finishing the painting are similar. Also comparing Du Fu s Lyric of the drinking eight immortals(飮中 八仙歌) with Chojeng s Preface of the drinking eight immortals painting(飮中 八仙圖序) , we made a conclusion that Chojeng had evaluated Du Fu s poetries accurately and he connected winebibber s feature not only with the wine, but also with the Eight immortal s personalities. Judging from the above comparisons, it is obvious that Chojeng has had a good grasp of Du Fu s poetries essence and the heart of the theory of paintings. At the same time, it is the embodiment of Chojeng s active way of thinking because of his constant inquiry into the literature and the arts and his pursuit of new things.

1. 문제의 제기

2. 題材의 확대 및 記實의 가치

3. 제화시에서 구현된 회화관

4. 유사한 작품의 사례

5. 結言

