Seo Geo-jeong(徐居正, 1420~1488) made use of Baduk as a important method for intercourse with people. He invited friends to play Baduk and prepared Baduk board in better days and good circumstances. Also, he visited friend s house for playing Baduk. Lee Kuk-don(李克墩), Jeon Sang-in(專上人), Kim Gyeom-gwang(金謙光) and Lee hun(李塤), they were prominent persons of the time who had played Baduk with him. It was Baduk that he could associate with many people regardless of Confucianism, Buddhism and age. Seo Geo-jeong enjoyed playing Baduk in his spare time that he gained intentionally or unintentionally. Also Baduk provided comfort and liberty to him who was frustrated and wounded by public office. It relaxed his psychological stress. He spent a life of leisure unintentionally caused by leaving government employ or decrepitude. Nobody came to him, because he had left his public office. Baduk comforted his loneliness and disappointment in such a tough world. Seo Geo-jeong thought that society which attached to victory and defeat, gains and losses was the same as Baduk. On account of the society same as Baduk, he thought that it was wise to live having little concern with the society rather than effort in order to take care of business and obtain fame as a result He had suffered various diseases, so he took sick leave a lot for treatment of diseases. Especially, he expressed severe feeling of isolation during his illness. Baduk was good method that solved such feeling of isolation.
1. 서론
2. 교제의 수단
3. 여유로움의 향유 수단
4. 세상사의 관조 수단
5. 고립감의 해소 수단
6. 결론