최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

徐命膺과 趙嚴, 두 실학자의 백두산기행

Bakdu Mt. Travel of Two Silhak Scholars, Seo Myeong-eung and Jo Eom: 「Yubakdusangi (遊白頭山記)」

In the June of 1766, Seo Myeong-eung (徐命膺) and Jo Eom (趙嚴) climbed together Bakdu Mt. in northern Joseon, present Korea-Sino border. They wrote travel essasy Yubakdusangi (遊白頭山記) recording the motives, schedules, activities and emotions of the climbing. Seo left the impression of that travel also in his other poem. This paper examined Yubakdusangi and related material to find out the meaning of two scholars Bakdu Mt. travel and the essay. Two men were banished to the northen frontier by same issue and decided to climb Bakdu Mt. from mutual understanding. On the top of the mountain, they considered border-fixing monument that was set in 1712 to fix the Joseon-Qing border. In that passage, they recorded how the border was fixed and expressed deep frustration for the land Joseon lost in the border fixing. Also, they measured latitudes at three points during the climbing to understand the physiographic environment of Joseon by regional groups. Yubakdusangi can be the record that shows well the territorial perception and natural knowledge of Joseon peoples in those days. Especially, it was found that latitude were measured consistently in the later generations by Seo‘s son and grandson and other scholars. In that point, two men s mountain travel was not a simple aesthetic search on domestic territory, but was an activity to understand the physiographic environment of nation s territory and reflect such knowledge in national management.

1. 머리말

2. 백두산 기행의 배경과 일정

3. 「유백두산기」의 내용적 특징

4. 맺음말

