Sang-bong-lock(桑蓬錄) is a kind of the early 18th century’s Yeon-heang-lok (燕行錄). This text written by Kang, Ho-bu(姜浩溥). There are two version, Chinese version and Korean version. This research based on Korean version. But in case of need, I developed studies through comparison with Korean version. The writer Kang, Ho-bu(姜浩溥) first wrote Sang-bong-lock(桑蓬錄) in Chinese. And then did a translation into Korean. This work wholly for his mother. A written copy of Korean version is comprised of two books. Before these two books were written there are had been one more book, but unfortunately it disappeared. For that reason Korean version has incompleteness in a certain way. On the other hand, A written copy of Chinese version is comprised of twelve volumes and six books. The great-grandson(姜在應) of Kang, Ho-bu (姜浩溥) translated from the Korean version in 1839. The most notable things In a written copy of Chinese version is Korea and China intellectual association. The writer Kang, Ho-bu(姜浩溥) and Jung hwan(程煥), Beak, su-che(白受采) shared a friendship that transcends their nationality difference in Beijing(北京). It has also provided fodder for associate with intellectuals, a Korea-China.
1. 들어가며
2. 강호부의 『상봉록』, 텍스트 문제-漢譯『상봉록』의 작성과 그 가치
3. 연행-程###·白受采와 나눈 우정
4. 나오며