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KCI등재 학술저널

佛家의 戰爭護國詩 世界

Buddhist s battle defense poetry world of the fatherland

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The Buddhism which come from India to China and which entered our nation Korean Buddhism settled with defense of the fatherland in faith related after period of unification of Silla. This is based on ideology of Mahayara Buddhism like this Sanggubori(上求菩提) and Hahuajungseng(下化衆生). In Mahayara Buddhism, self-benefit(自利)and other s-benefit(利他) , that is to say, this point of view is not Sanggubori and Hahuajungseng each other separate or accomplishing of step by step but realizing of self-benefit is the world benefit and at the same time deed of the world relief. Therefore pledge (誓願) and accomplishment effort(願力) are boundary of non-two(不二). Accordingly there would be right priest(義僧), Buddhist monk soldier(僧兵) from period of the three kingdoms. In Goguryeo when China Dang(唐) s King Taejong(太宗) invaded our nation territory. It began to defend nation(護國) that Goguryeo s Buddhist monk 3 ten thousand going to the war as the Buddhist monk military. From Goryeo the foreign enemy invaders were frequent so more prominent. In Choseon as an opportunity of Japanese In vasion of Korea in 1592 Buddhist monk soldiers activity took place lively. Yeonggyu great Buddhist priest(靈圭大師), Hyujeong great Buddhist priest(休靜大師), Yujeong great Buddhist priest(惟政大師), Ino great Buddhist priest(印悟大師), Soyotaeneung(逍遙太能), Cheoyeong great Buddhist priest(處英大師) and so on, they could be representative right priests(義僧). As this Buddhist monk(僧侶) s status, Battle(戰爭) or defense of fatherland (護國) in the fighting line in the battle s Buddhist priest who practiced Haengseonilchi(行禪一致)and Haengseonbuli(行禪不二) and who left poetry literature contents among those situations and I examined the contents and intended to approach the illumination of this meaning.

1. 문제의 제기

2. 佛家의 護國 認識 背景

3. 佛家의 戰爭 護國詩 內容

4. 佛家 戰爭 護國詩의 意義 및 맺는말

