The purpose of this study is to examine how animals and literature were associated from historical perspectives. To attain the goal, the researcher reviewed poetry and prose dealing with Chosun royal family and sadaebu family’s love of animals and also animals. Particularly it was focused on hawks, dogs, cranes, and horses that had been often managed as pet animals. With the process, it has been found that Chosun royal family and sadaebu family’s intellects raised those animals and felt considerable affection towards them and also used their animals as major themes for their poetry and prose. It is expected that this study will establish a standard for the criticism of literature. The task to trace how their recognition on pet animals changed more closely still remains as what needs to be dealt with by follow-up research.
1. 문제제기
2. 조선 지식인의 동물 애호와 문학적 구현 양상
3. 조선시대 동물 소재 회화 작품에 관하여
4. 맺음말