최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

고려후기 한시에 나타난 새의 이미지와 문학적 의미

Images and a literary sense of the bird in sino-korean poetry of the late Goryeo dynasty

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Animals and plants closely related to human life was the old time-honored subject of sino-korean poetry. Above all the flower and the bird were more loved by poets. Poems sung about the flower and the bird were called ‘Hwajosi(花鳥詩)’, which was a vital part of sino-korean poetry in the history of both Korean and Chinese literature. In the history of Chinese literature, Hwajosi is found in 『Sikyong(詩經)』, the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry. Then it was written by some poets of the the Tang Dynasty - Li Po (李白), Tu Fu(杜甫), Bo Juyi(白居易) and the Saong Dynasty- Su Dong Po(蘇東坡), Ouyang Xiu(歐陽脩), Mei Yaochen(梅堯臣). The most representative poets who created Hwajosi are Leesak and Leekyubo in the history of sino-korean poetry of the late Goryeo dynasty. There is further poets who created Hwajosi like Kimgukgi, Imchun, Ahnchuk, Leejaehyun, Leegok, Jungmongju, Kimguyong, Leesungin, and so on. Their Hwajosi mostly sang about ‘crane[鶴]’와 ‘swallow[燕]’, ‘chicken[鷄]’. The next most common birds in Hwajosi are ‘wild goose [雁]’, ‘crow [烏]’, ‘sparrow[雀]’, ‘seagull[鷗]’, ‘nightingale[鶯]’, ‘magpie[鵲]’, ‘goose[鵝]’, ‘duck[鴨]’. Each bird has its own symbolic meaning. That s why poets chose a different bird in each poem round their own emotion and circumstances. Wild goose, a kind of migratory birds that moves from south to north means traveller’s loneliness and solitude. Crane, one of the ten traditional Symbols of Longevity means long life, purity, noble-mindedness. Nightingale means lover s beauty or a feeling of love. Chicken, goose, and sparrow, on the other hand, were showed in a poem of pastoral life. In this manuscript, I looked at overall creation of Hwajosi ; main poets who wrote Hwajosi and their major works, how to make images by using birds, what each bird stands for in different poems. I also studied Hwajosi focusing on aesthetic characteristics and historical significance in Korean literature.

1. 문제제기

2. 花鳥詩 창작의 史的 전개양상

3. ‘새’의 문학적 형상화와 화조시의 詩的 特質

4. 결어

