최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중국에서의 한국고대한시 연구에 대한 일고찰

The Investigation on the Research Status of Korean Classical Chinese Poetry in China— Focusing on the Research in the 21st Century

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This paper investigates on the research status of Korean classical Chinese poetry in China after 2000(including 2000), and the study objects are limited to the short papers and dissertations. Compared with studies on single writers works, all-embracing studies becomes the main stream among the small number of existing study publications. However, there are more than 10 kinds of study publications on poetry alone and almost 300 pieces of research papers including the dissertation in more than a decade since 2000. These papers have a variety of study objects, themes and methods. And comparative studies are overwhelmingly in the majority. The establishment of Sino-Korea diplomatic relations has a profound impact on the phenomenon that dissertation study shifts from the all-embracing study to the single writers works. And after the establishment of Sino-Korea diplomatic relations, Chinese people have a growing interests in Korean culture including the classical literature. Also, getting relevant research materials has become very convenient since then.

1. 서문

2. 단편논문

3. 학위논문

4. 마무리

