HeDongCheng海東靑 which is frequently used as hunting for birds. HeDongCheng海東靑 was breeding in the HuLyung會寧 which is located in Korean Peninsula on the north- east area. And HeDongCheng海東靑 was very popular in the Manchuria people who lives in the north-east part of China and Japan. There were happened small war in the north- east area of China to get HeDongCheng海東靑 about 500 years ago. At that times hunting with HeDongCheng海東靑 was very to get eating. Peole in the north- east area of China climed BakDumSan白頭山 that is more than 2700meter to reach to HuLyung會寧 collided with local people. Especially Japense people likes HeDongCheng海東靑, so it was bought about 20 straw bag prise. The Joseon Dynasty was training HeDongCheng海東靑 to get bird meats such as pheasant by hunting. During its training, many problem was happened. So King of Dynasty offen suspended its raising. Many writer Portray HeDongCheng海東靑 about its brave. It also compared as a petty officer. When HeDongCheng海東靑 was hungry, it became very brave and greedy like a petty officer in the local area. But When HeDongCheng海東靑 was full, it doesnot want to hunt like a petty officer in Seoul. When HeDongCheng海東靑 get older, hunter let them free. Now the circumstances was changing. Now we almost could not see hunting with hawk. But we still see the tracks its culture. BoRaMe甫羅鷹 is the same kind of HeDongCheng海東靑. And BoRaMe甫羅鷹 is the also the name of airplane in Korean air force. Partly it represents Korean air force. In Seoul, there are a BoRaMe甫羅鷹 pakk whichwas the place of Air Force Academy before it moves to Cheongju-si.
1. 서론
2. 사람과 조류
3. 해동청과 관련된 문화
4. 해동청의 상징적 가치와 교훈
5. 결론