Biography is to create a literary shape while writing a biography of Narrative was a real person. Therefore, figures, animals, or objects that appear in the former is Write a biography except for the main character subject of biography and in fact all is just to play a secondary role. However, focusing on the animal that the animal is present with the possibility to be understood and influence the human heart, that is accentuated as drawn You Spiritual Animals(靈物). If you occasionally have the animal itself to the target Ip-jeon(立傳) work situations also give a shape as a person alters an animal at all. In this case, if the hero is subtracted only animals that can visualize that person as a former complete figures. There is no reason to suspect that Ip-jeon(立傳) target(對象) figures and conflict in the case of animals that are portrayed in the former, is not a role that already exist in words and deeds is bound to be an independent limited. The shape of animals shown in the Joseon Dynasty biography could be divided into three categories. One is the shape of the youngmul appeared as a supporting role or influence as possible helpers to highlight the nature of the ipjeon the target. The tiger and the horse saw earlier that case. And the other is shaped as a person. Animals in this case is not only exposed the independent actions, are drawn in a very active. It is being targeted as a hero in other words. The other is as if placed in the shape of an animal or a small work tools. At this time, the animals can not because there are no tools or props subjective act, but only receive as a Narrative device functions. Deer, hawks, like a hound that case.
1. 서론
2. 感化되는 靈物로 형상화된 동물
3. 人格體로 형상화된 동물
4. 敍事裝置로 활용된 동물
5. 결론