The purpose of this treatise is to research 19th century Dam-In(澹人) Shin Jwa Mo(申佐模)’s Banggwanseoakbu Giansahanyuha. Through detail analysis of creation_background and writing_composition, I focused how literary achievement has been connected, from 18th Century Yue fu(樂府) to 19th Century. Superficially this poem takes over gwanseoakbu. But also reflects character and pride of 19th Century Nam-In(南人). In 2nd Chapter, through clarifying the friendly relation between Han Gye Won and Shin Jwa Mo, researching creation_background, we can find out Shin JwaMo’s intention to express glorious revival of Nam-In group. Eventhough peom has series form, we can find out this poem considers gwanseoakbu because it has rhythm and partial admission. But the subject and configuration skill are different. We can not say Shin Jwa MO’s poem exactly took over 18th Shin Gwang Su’s literary achievement. This poem is another unique Yue Fu which shows that 19th Yue Fu extended category, used various subject. Shin Jwa Mo described PyungYang as ideal city, and described Han Gye Won as ‘bureaucrat who extactly fits with reputation of PyungYang’. Through changing timing, stronly expressed nostalgic emotion. We should focus that this poem shows emotion of poemtic narrator through changing timing and poem_style. This poem has great meaning that it shows not only succession of Yue fu, but also 19th Yue fu’s change.
1. 서론
2. 「倣關西樂府體, 寄按使韓柳下」의 창작 배경
3. 「倣關西樂府體, 寄按使韓柳下」의 구성과 작품 양상
4. 결론