최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

작품 密度로 읽어본 杜甫의 詩

Du Fu’s (杜甫) Poetry Read through the Density of Work (密度)

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The purpose of this study was to explore the artistry of Du Fu’s(杜甫 712~770) poetry from the aspect of rhetoric using the scale ‘density of work.’ The contents of this study are expected to make some contribution to setting the direction of study for beginner scholars in classical Chinese. Reading Du Fu’s poems (杜詩), we can see that the ‘density of work’ is markedly higher than that of other poets’ works. This means that it is hard to figure out the profound meanings through just one reading of Du Fu’s poems, but a new meaning comes up after another if we keep reading and appreciating them repeatedly. This study attempted to prove this aspect of Du Fu’s poems by analyzing his two works Mangak(望岳) and Deunggo(登高). In order to examine the artistic achievements of Du Fu’s poems related to the density of work, this study analyzed the use of classical allusions (典故), the operation of parables (比喩), the application of contrasts (對比), and the double meaning (雙關) in order. This order is based on the frequency of their occurrences in Du Fu’s poems. Works such as Jejangssieungeoisu(題張氏隱居二首) and Okdeguank(玉臺觀) were analyzed. According to the results of this study, Du Fu intensified the density of contents in his works by using various rhetorical techniques together in composing poems, and because of this, the readers can fathom the richness of meanings contained in his works only through repeated appreciations. Annotations on Du Fu’s poems are more diverse and abundant than those on any other poets’ works. Thus, even for beginner scholars in classical Chinese poems, steady reading of Du Fu’s poems of high density step by step along with these annotations will lead them to experience artistic achievements made by Du Fu, and will enhance their abilities to appreciate other poets’ works.

1. 머리말

2. 杜詩의 작품 密度

3. 작품 密度와 유관한 杜詩의 수사법들

4. 맺음말

