Ryu, Mong-in(柳夢寅) was strong pride in his literary works. But he modeled 『Guoyu(國語)』. So this report focused on ‘the reason why Ryu, Mong-in(柳夢寅) modeled 『Guoyu(國語)』’ and researched ‘his pastiches of 『Guoyu(國語)』’. With the result that there are following features. In the first place, this report focused on composition, style, and word in his pastiches. With the result that there are following feature. First, in composition, he used three-tier composition and a code in introduction in his pastiches. By the way, these techniques were affected in 『Guoyu(國語)』. Second, in style and word, he used many antithesis in his pastiche. And he affected “fu(夫)” as fayuci(發語詞), and “wushihu(於是乎)”. These features are resembled 『Guoyu(國語)』. In the second place, this report researched that the reason why he modeled 『Guoyu(國語)』, 『Zhanguoce(戰國策)』, and 『Lengyanjing(楞嚴經)』. With the result that there are following features. First, he liked classics of Han and Qin Dynasty, and he disliked prose of Song Dynasty. Second, wrote light literature for making acquaintance, social criticism, and solving depression. Third, 『Guoyu(國語)』 and 『Zhanguoce(戰國策)』 had the features that Ryu, Mong-in want to write. Forth, he want to diversify form of zengxu(贈序). These are the reason why he modeled 『Guoyu(國語)』, 『Zhanguoce(戰國策)』, and 『Lengyanjing(楞嚴經)』. Judging from these, he wrote his prose in Han and Qin Dynasty’s style, and made light literature, and wrote empirical prose. These are the meaning that his pastiches showed.
1. 문제 제기
2. 效『國語』의 양상
3. 效『國語』의 배경
4. 效『國語』의 의미: 결론을 대신하여