최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

槐潭 裵相說의 『大學纂要』에 나타난 中國 四書註釋書 수용 양상

Acceptance of the Commentaries on the Four Chinese Books in 『Daehakchanyo』 of Gwedam Bae Sang-yeol

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This study examines 『Daehakchanyo(大學纂要)』, the first volume of 『Sa『seochanyo(四書纂要)』 written by Gwedam(槐潭) Bae Sang-yeol(裵相說, 1759 -1789). The focus is on clarifying the nature of the ‘Commentaries on the Four Chinese Books (中國 四書註釋書)’ recorded in 『Daehakchanyo』 and whose views the cited theories are. This examination aims to grasp the Chinese books and theories that a scholar in Yeongnam region referred to for his study on the four Chinese books in the 18th century. It turned out that most of the commentaries on the four Chinese books contained in 『Daehakchanyo』 advocated the comments of 『Jang-gu(章句)』 and 『Jip-ju(集註)』 established by Ju-hui(朱熹) and complemented the in『sufficient aspects of 『Saseodaejeon(四書大全)』. In addition, although Chinese scholars who quoted these books were from different regions and times, they had a common ground in that their objective of learning was to succeed and clarify Neo-Confucianism. Therefore, it can be viewed that 『Daehakchanyo』 of Bae Sang-yeol was recorded in the process of understand 『Daehakjanggu(大學章句)』 established by Ju-hui deeply and exploring its genuine meaning. However, Bae Sang-yeol did not live long enough for 『Daehakchanyo』 to clarify the genuine meaning of 『Daehakjanggu』. If this goal had been achieved, it would have led to the intended ‘demonstration’ on the basis of ‘Chanyo.’

1. 머리말

2. 『大學纂要』의 편찬 목적과 구성 체재

3. 中國 四書註釋書의 인용서목과 諸說의 채록 양상

4. 맺음말

