This paper aims to look into how liushulve(六書略) of Zhengqiao(鄭樵) in Song(宋) Dynasty period was accepted and utilized by scholars in Joseon(朝鮮) Dynasty period, and its significance in the history of Joseon(朝鮮) Chinese character. liushulve written by Zhengqiao which can be said to be a theoretical book of Chinese character is included in Vol.31~Vol.35 of 『Tongzhi(通志)』, which contains the contents he studied with regard to concepts of liushu(六書) and which he classified and proposed with regard to Chinese character on the basis of concepts of liushu. This liushulve was first introduced in Joseon s academic world by Lee Hyeongsang(李衡祥) and Lee ik(李瀷). Also, 「Wenzicewen(文字策問)」 of Jeongjo (正祖) and Duicewen(對策文) written by various followers included regular and concrete discussions about related contents proposed from 「liushulve」. Also, Lee Deokmoo(李德懋), Lee Kyukyung(李圭景), Heo jeon(許傳) et al. used to utilize the contents of 「liushulve」 for their historical research or as basis of their arguments. Like this, 「liushulve」 can be said to be one of foreign books scholars in the latter part of Joseon Dynasty actively used for studying Chinese character. 「liushulve」 was evaluated in a very differently respectively in Song(宋), Yuan(元), Ming(明) Dynasty period and Qing(淸) Dynasty period. So to speak, in the era of Song․Yuan․Ming, it was evaluated to be the typical theoretical book on Chinese character which deeply studies liushu, but in the era of Qing Dynasty, as a rule, it tended to be negatively evaluated. In the meantime, scholars in the latter par of Joseon Dynasty, which is the same age as Qin tended to positively utilize 「liushulve」 placing importance on it. This aspects can be said to be features of Joseon Chinese character different from Chinese ones.
1. 서론
2. 「六書略」의 구성과 내용
3. 「六書略」의 수용과 활용
4. 결론