This study is made as a part of the study to investigate the modality of intellectual establishment appeared in 『Seonghosaseol (星湖僿說)』, which is placed at the center of history of mentality of the Joseon Dynasty. The number of references cited in 「Manmulmun(萬物門)」, one of the five sections in 『Seonghosaseol』, was 176 times in total, and this number also included 38 subtitles. Particularly among them, the number of reference quoted as the Korean cited references was 13 times. Meanwhile, according to the analysis on Chinese references, the number of reference cited once or more was 176 times in total, which also include 17 kinds of Korean references. Numerically the number of the both cited references were the same, but this is considered coincidental only. As a result of an empirical analysis on reference cited, it was found that there are big differences between the both cited references. 『Yegi (禮記)』 took the first rank both in the suggested references and the actually cited references in 「Manmulmun」 of 『Seonghosaseol』, although there were differences in the number of quotation - 26 times and 33 times respectively. And the second rank in the number of the actually cited reference was 『Jeongjatong (正字通)』, which was cited 27 times. But it was not mentioned in 「Manmulmun」 of 『Seonghosaseol』 at all. To give several more examples which do not specify a fact of quotation although it has cited three or more times, just like 『Jeongjatong (正字通)』, there are 『Seoulbu (說郛』, 『Yeon-gamryuham (淵鑑類函)』, 『Taepyeonggwanggi (太平廣記)』, 『Cheonjunggi(天中記)』, 『Gyeonkchigyeongwon (格致鏡原)』, 『Yemunyuchui (藝文類聚)』, 『Okjidangdamhoe (玉芝堂談薈』, 『Sandangsago (山堂肆考)』, and 『Tong-a(通雅)』. Most of these literatures are classified as compendium or light essay. In addition these, Chinese-character dictionaries(字書), such as 『Jeongjatong (正字通)』, and herbal medicine-related literatures, such as 『Jeungryuboncho (證類本草)』 didn t specify the fact of quotation. On the contrary, 『Munheontonggo (文獻通考)』, 『Seung-amjip (升菴集)』, 『Eomjusabugo (弇』, 『Samjaedohoe (三才圖會)』, and 『Monggyepildam (夢溪筆談)』 are the compendium or light essay that specifies the fact of quotation. This shows that Lee Ik generally had a differential consciousness even on between compendium and light essay. Besides, another remarkable feature was that 『Jachitonggam (資治通鑑)』 which cited as many as ten times specified the fact of quotation only twice, and it is presumed that it avoided stating a fact of quotation because it was an abridged historical book.
1. 서론
2. 『성호사설』 <만물문>에 제시된 문헌의 분석
3. 『성호사설』 <만물문>의 실제 인용 문헌의 분석
4. 결론