College teaching is course of offer relation in formation and apply to potential development, goal in life, study plan for student. Recently some university try to efficient college teaching from organize a party leadership or operation of program. It is example of Dongguk university paramita college, Soongsil baird university college, Yonsei university academic advising system. College teaching is managed to divide method of college life and method of Knowledge. Therefore, goal of college teaching is college life adjustment for student and study fulfill through the self-leaning. Successful college teaching must be paired with guidance of life for student as well as knowledge management. In this thesis, we try to have seek for solutions to efficient education plan with Dongguk university paramita college through the actual university chinese education run by Dongguk university. We could identified actual knowledge management a little. We could identified important of connectivity guidance of life and knowledge management. College teaching program must operate systematically. It is necessary to college teaching by step and each grade from freshman time, also we should operate to open only subject and must be paired with knowledge management for scholarly achievement in the field of major and sophistication. Specially, education of humanism and leadership development is emphasized in part of guidance of life of college teaching. Double education of humanism can find some solutions from university chinese education then it should strengthen to chinese education and more systematic solutions in college concrete solutions will announce on later.
1. 머리말
2. 학사지도프로그램 운영 실태
3. 학사지도프로그램과 대학한문교육의 연계
4. 맺음말: 효율적인 학사지도를 위한 제언