This paper is Anbunjae Lee Jun, for research. And his first introduced by the excavation of the 『Anbunjaesuchangnok』 known as a book. Did not study at all about him in the academic world. He received good background from his father and grandfather, but he couldn t enter the national politics. He was raised many possession of the great literary talent and studied literature. However, he always fell on the tests and they went low ranking position at a later age. He later moved the countryside for the base, Chungcheong region to move on Gongju. He nickname as the anbunjae. Laying the groundwork for building a small building in Gongju and new. He is a new indigenous knowledge in the community actively interaction with them. In particular exchanges with them using married. 『Anbunjaesuchangnok』 is with the type and a collection of works. In this book and poetry, literature and various works. This work is most important work that can understand him. This is the goals of his life. Sympathetic and exchanged and poetry, literature and these feelings. Anbunjaegi and interaction with much of his writers take a look into a very good literary. A few of his works can only take a look at the following results. The best understand his skills and self satisfied with life. The research also found his newly found the work. And could find a new a great literary author.
1. 서론
2. 安分齋 李懏의 가계와 삶
3. 『安分齋酬唱錄』의 槪觀
4. 『安分齋酬唱錄』의 내용적 특징
5. 酬唱을 통한 感興과 士友들의 평가
6. 결론