For “Aseongjicha(亞聖之次也)” of Jeongja(程子), Most people interpreted it as next to Aseong(亞聖) . Maengja is evaluated for not being aseong. This is related to familiarity of interpreting cha(次) as next(order) and Anja(顔子) who was more respected than Maengja(孟子). 程子 said Anja had more superiority over Maengja. So, They interpreted ‘Cha(次)’ as ‘Next to (Aseong)’ because they hesitated Maengja which is underappreciated as excellent Daehyeon(大賢). If Aseongjicha really indicates next to aseong , It must be able to answer the question what is nextlevel of aseong? However, Of ‘Seongin(聖人) Chaseong(次聖) Aseong(亞聖)’ referring to Hyunseong(賢聖), there is no word that is indicating nextlevel of Aseong. So, It is inappropriate to interpret aseongjicha as nextlevel of aseong Many Juseokseo(註釋書) including Handae(漢代), Jogi(趙岐) evaluated Maengja as aseong. Besides, Jeongja(程子) mentioned Maengja as Aseong. so It is rational to interpret ‘Cha(次)’ of seongjicha(孟子亞聖之次) as Banyeol(班列)
1. 序言
2. 孟子와 程子의 聖人觀
3. 程子의 孔子 顔子 孟子에 대한 인식
4. 亞聖之次의 해석에 대한 再考
5. 結語