「EGUMGONGJANG愛琴供狀」 is a very unique story in its style that was written by Lee Yok in the phrase of poem incited from ꡔShiJing詩經ꡕ. 「EGUMGONGJANG愛琴供狀」 shows his unbending spirit to literature. At that time the king made a test to the students of SKK. The problem is why KONGZI孔子 「zhengfeng鄭風」 and 「weifeng衛風」 in ꡔShiJing詩經ꡕ, what`s the meaning of 「guanju關雎」. But unfortunately his answer was against current ideology. So he was exiled to SAMGA三嘉 in the province of GyungSangDo. EGUM愛琴 married in 15. Her marriage life was very unhappy, so she was expelled in 18. She had to come back home but could not live with her family. She had to support herself. At that time an accident had happened. She was raped by a manKIMMYUNGGIL金命吉. And this man stole her clothes band asked her to live him together. She denied it very scoldly and appealed to government. 「zhengfeng鄭風」 is the content of her appeal written by LEEYOK李鈺. She criticize him very severely. And the atmosphere of this story is very dark. But she had her own dream. She wants to marry neighboring man ZENGGUNAM鄭貴男. LEEYOK李鈺 describe this story within range of his definition about poem. He devide poem in yadiao雅調, yandiao艶調, dangdiao宕調, feidiao悱調. And it circulate from yadiao雅調 to yandiao艶調, from yandiao艶調 to dangdiao宕調, from gdiao宕調 to feidiao悱調 and from feidiao悱調 to yadiao雅調. 「EGUMGONGJANG愛琴供狀」 is in the atmosphere of feidiao悱調, but hope for yadiao雅調. That is to say, she denied KIMMYUNGGIL金命吉 and wnat to live with ZENGGUNAM鄭貴男. This means that LEEYOK李鈺 still had his belief in literature. Ironically 「EGUMGONGJANG愛琴供狀」 was composed at this period in the phrase of poem incited from ꡔShiJing詩經ꡕ.
Ⅰ. 시작하는 말
Ⅱ. 창작주체에 대한 논의
Ⅲ. 작품의 내용과 분석
Ⅳ. 결론