최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

鄭萬陽․葵陽 형제의 學問과 思想

Scholarship and Thought of Mr. Man-Yang and Gyu-Yang Jeong Brothers

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This article investigated Mr. Jeong Brothers whole scholarship and thought, because academic studies on Mr. Man-Yang Jeong Brothers as well-known Confucians of the Yeong Nam School is not much and weak. Particularly, discussion on their academic communication with scholars of the Kiho School was built up mainly and how they did affect on Mr. Jeong Brothers thought was examined. Their scholarship and thought can be explained by two axles. One is to succeed the old tradition of Discipline of Toegye in the Yeong Nam School, the other is to overpass the tradition of Discipline of Toegyego, expand its extension and undergo its limitation. The scholars, who drawn one scholarship two parts of different disciplines and played the role of the bridge between the Yeong Nam Schoo and the Kiho Schoo, are Mr. Jeong Brothers. In this regard, the academic and idea communication with scholars of the Kiho School, Mr. Lee Hyeong-Sang, the South emigrated scholars who moved the South Province from Seoul, etc. extensively have an effect on them. It is a particular in the history of Confucian that the scholars, Mr. Jeong Brothers who keep aloof from he different ideologies and search for the truth, were produced in the Yeong Nam Province.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 학문 역정과 ‘退溪學的 전통’의 계승

Ⅲ. 塤叟․篪叟 思想의 특성과 학문적 교류

Ⅳ. 맺음말

