최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

塤․篪叟 鄭萬陽․葵陽 형제의 시대와 그들의 현실 대응

Jeong Mahn-yang·Kyou-yang Brother s Period and Their Attitude toward the Reality

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Jeong Mahn-yang and Jeong Kyou-yang were famous scholars in the Youngnam province at the early 18th century. And they belonged to the Namin party. They were taught confucian scriptures by their granduncle, Jeong Shi-youn and their mentor, Lee Hyun-il. They retired to the Hoenggye(橫溪) country at their late thirties. At that place they studied confucian scriptures and taught many students. Their students usually came from the Youngchon and Kyoungju districts. A matter of my concerns of their writing of books are their reform bills. Their reform bills were composed of a land system, a military system and a talent system. They presented theories adjusting to late Joseon dynasty s realistic situation. Their reform bills were not ideal but realistic. So we can understand the point of the inclination for reform bills of the Youngnam Namin scholastic mantle through their reform bills. They lived a retired life in the country for a long time but they concerned at a matter of society, peoples and their period. When Musin Rebellion(戊申亂) had arisen in the King Youngjo reign, they gathered together volunteer corps in Youngchon district. Their volunteer corps were composed of around one hundred eighties. Jeong Kyou-yang was recommended as the leader of volunteer corps. Formation of volunteer corps had very important meanings. Because some districts of Youngnam province were supported the rebel army, their volunteer activities was a great help to Youngnam province. Considering these facts, we can know that their brother had a good judgement.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 甲戌換局 이후 嶺南南人의 처지

Ⅲ. 敎育活動과 門人의 양성

Ⅳ. 改革案의 구상과 그 의미

Ⅴ. 戊申亂의 발발과 倡義

Ⅵ. 맺음말

