In the 15th century, Kim Jong-jik and Sung hyun(成俔) had discussions about poem s function and true nature. The points of issue were Gyohwaron(敎化論) and Sajangron(詞章論). Kim jong-jik insisted Gyohwaron emphasizing the originality and function on poem and he told Poem must based on the human nature and have a function of enlightenment . Sung hyun insisted Sajangron and told Essentially, poem must have literary embellishment and craftsmanship . One day Kim Jong-jik composed 「Dongdoakbu」 which was formed of seven poems and anecdotes. It content the traditional culture of Kyongju(慶州) in Shilla(新羅) dynasty. It revealed his Gyohwaron. As a result, It was a beginning of Yeongsaakbu(詠史樂府) in the Korean literary history. 「Dongdoakbu」 created a sensation in the Chosun(朝鮮) dynasty. His disciple Cho We(曺偉) composed 「Kyerimpalgwan(鷄林八觀)」 and Yoo ho-in(兪好仁) composed 「Dongdojabyeong(東都雜詠)」 also. And many poet one after another created Haedongakbuche(海東樂府體) which was developed under the influence of 「Dongdoakbu」.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 15세기 문단과 김종직
Ⅲ. 「동도악부」의 성겨과 창작 배경
Ⅳ. 「동도악부」의 계승과 전개 양상
Ⅴ. 맺음말