최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

「西京風月樓記」를 통해 본 牧隱 散文의 문예적 특징

Mok-eun’s Literary Character expressed in 『Seo-kyung-poong-wol-lu-ki』

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This research is to find out what literary character Mok-eun’s(牧隱) prose has, who is evaluated as master of prose. Up to the present, prose research has concentrated on only the author’s thought and theme of the prose. It’s more than thought and theme that consists literary work. Because many kinds of literary device are applied to produce a literary work, we need various point of view to reveal literary character in a literary work. Therefore, prose research should reflect diversified literary feature based on past research results. When those trials are put together finally, the work can be evaluated right. Mok-eun is famous as master of prose. However, people who mentioned that didn’t describe in detail why he is a master. There would be many factors why Mok-eun is a master of prose. It is assumed that he applied ‘Gan-chup’(簡捷) structure, ‘Woong-hon’(雄渾) postposition and ‘Go-Won’(高遠) theme, ‘Yang-il’(洋溢) character to 「Seo-kyung-poong-wol-lu-ki(西京風月樓記)」

Ⅰ. 서론


Ⅲ. 결론

