樂齋 徐思遠 先生은 조선조 명종 5년(1550) 경술 6월 4일 午時에 星州의 八莒縣에서 태어났다. 어릴 때부터 재주가 뛰어나 약관에 향시에서 일등을 차지하였으며 朱子를 법 삼아 학문에 열중하였다. 1592년, 壬辰倭亂이 발발하자, 의병을 일으켜 나라를 구하고 충성을 다하였다. 이 때문에 조정에서 13여 차례 관직에 임명하였지만 모두 사양하고 오직 청안현감에 부임하여 잘 다스렸다. 선생은 泗陽의 한강 정구 선생과 옥산의 여헌 장현광 선생과 함께 당시 유학계에 정치한 거유였다. 이와 같은 점은 최근 「琴湖仙査仙遊圖」와 宣祖 25년(1592)부터 宣祖 28년(1595)까지의 일기인 ꡔ樂齋先生日記ꡕ 필사본이 발견되면서 확인되었다. 선생은 광해군 7년(1615)에 66세로 易簀하였다. 선생은 伊江書院과 龜溪書院에 奉享되었다., 특히 구게서원에는 선생 외에 東皐 李浚慶·守庵 朴枝華·西溪 李得胤·芳村 李瑭 선생도 함께 봉향되어 있다.
Nak-jae(樂齋) Seo sa-won(徐思遠) was born in the Seong-ju(星州) Pal-geo village(八莒縣) in 1550, Myeongjong the Great(明宗) in Choson(朝鮮). He was very clear. When he was 20 years old, he was at the top of Hyang-si(鄕試). He studied Sung Confucianism(性理學). When Japanese Invasion of Korea broke out in 1592, he gathered a righteous army, saved the nation, render devoted service to his country. The Choson government appointed him an official post 13 times, but he refused courteously. He only started for his new post, Cheong-an(淸安) s district magistrate, ruled very well. Recently, 「Gum-ho river Seon-sa s boating excursion picture(琴湖仙査仙遊圖)」and the copying of ꡔThe Diary of Nak-jae(樂齋先生日記)ꡕwas found. Due to these things, his fame was given proof. He is one of a classical scholar who has reputed for his virtues, like Hang-gang(寒岡) Jeong Gu(鄭逑) in Sa-yang(泗陽) and Lyeo-heon(旅軒) Jang hyeun-gwang(張顯光) in Ok-san(玉山). When he died in 1615, he was 66 years old. He was dedicate in the Yi-gang lecture hall(伊江書院), and Gu-gye lecture hall(龜溪書院), with Dong-go(東皐) Lee jun-gyeong(李浚慶), Su-am(守庵) Park ji-hwa(朴枝華), Seo-gye(西溪) Lee deok-yun(李得胤) and Bang-chon(芳村) Lee dang(李瑭).