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KCI등재 학술저널

茶山 “箴銘” 文類의 문체특성

The Characteristics of Dasan s “Jammyeong(Aphorism Motto)” Style Literatures

DOI : 10.17293/dbkcls.2007..33.515
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As to the result of the study by the researchers until, Dasan literature is defined as practicalism in thought, social relations, self sustaining moralism on reality, participation, pastoral, and popularism in subject, and apologue or allegory by fable tongue in rhetoric, but the understanding for individual characteristics of the style in Dasan literature is short. So, I will widen our view from the existing discussion and the purpose of the study is to review the rhetoric characteristics and the attribute of the streams of Dasan literature works. To fulfill the purpose of the study, I will examine Dasan Jammyeong kinds which is listed in the Dasan poem books but not discussed until now to arrange the rhetoric characteristics and the attribute of the streams of Dasan literature in stylistic point of view on the basis of the existing research materials. First of all, Dasan s Jam(aphorism) suggest definitely as private Jam to define the recommendation, and the subject is mainly focused on 敬齋箴(honoring aphorism), 處世箴(conduction behavioral aphorism), 四勿箴(four warning aphorism) to emphasize the subject in virtue as the aphorism. Formation of the aphorism is consisted in four letters in long story and keep the confrontation rhythm and consistently keep the rule of circulation in regularity. However, certain subjects of the aphorisms which Dasan wanted to emphasize through common transformation of the forms as characteristics to warn the readers. In his writing, the traditional rhetoric way of Jam “諷刺”(satire) is not expressed. We can not find any fable, apologue but also as his most famous characteristics of elaboration:彫琢, modification:修飾:, citation:用捨 or metaphor:比喩 in the type of his rhetoric. These figures of Jam writing are related to the Dasan s language which definitely saying in 五學論:thesis on five study “文章之學 吾道之鉅害也”:Literature study is big stumbling hazard to me). Dasan s motto works shows a warning and a congratulation as well. The formation of Dasan s motto is well expressed in a word of “freedom”. Not to verify long story or short, every style of literature such as 楚辭體: Chu verse style, 雜言體: miscellaneous style, 散行韻語體: prose rhythm style, 散行無韻體(散文體) : poem style verse, Six letter style, Five letter style etc., but it is strange not to show a Four letter style which is the typical style of motto. However, the confrontation rhythm: 隔句韻 phenomena which shows a formation to use rhythm word is interesting as the characteristic Dasan motto style. This Dasan form of motto is understood as the works to focus on prose but rhythm style by the old writers of Tang and Song dynasty. In rhetoric, he emphasized the realistic description technique by repeating the word tongue to the others as confrontation method and emphasized the realistic merits of the objects, tried to realize the characteristics of the writing of “博約而溫潤: ” which affect in simple and warm heart of the universal truth to us.

