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KCI등재 학술저널

한문교과교육에서 한문교육용한자 선정을 위한 기초연구

Research for rebuild old sino-korean basic character in sino-korean education

DOI : 10.17293/dbkcls.2008..35.343
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Sino-korean education(漢文敎科)has three sub field, chinese character(漢字), words(詞) and old chinese writing. Among this sub field, chinese character is most basic and a special distinctive elements with other subject. So, in sino-korean education, how to choice chinese character for eduction is very important and basic process. In korea, about this named “basic character in sino-korean education , long time researched. But, I think we have new point setting basic character in sino-korean education, about number of basic chinese character for education, process to setting, section for each grade, devide for level and how to apply make textbook and to education. In this field, so many scholar had research and result, but, their result has so many problem. Early in Korea, setted some of old sino-korean basic character, not for old sino-korean s reding, for prevent use chinese character in the life, limit using chiese character in the writtne language. Their obeject purpose is quite different. Now we need setting basic character s object is high degree of efficiency learn chiese character for useful. For research avout this topic, we have to think below question. 1. In Korea, why need sino-korean education, and this subject s eduction s object and contents. 2. For concur in this subject object, how to choice and make basic character. To solve this question, talked about sino-korean education meaning and objet and elements in Korea, and fundamental notions about new naming. Sino-korean basic character in sino-korean education have two sub arrange, is for old sino korean and for sino-korean words in modern korean. If we limit basic chinese characters number, according with scientific and objective research way. In this point, I took reaserch frequcy about some of old chiense text in Korean, arrive at conclusion, we need number of 4000 basic character, and nember of 3500 adding character. This result can apply and use in future rebuild old sino-korean basic character in sino-korean education. Of course, this rusult is not compeletly, this is only suggest new way to make basic chinese charater for education, this rusult can changed with how to setting what we teach. So, this is one of new reseach way to close this subect s educaion aim.

1. 서론

2. 한국의 여러 한자표의 제정 배경과 방법

3. 한문교과 한문교육용한자 선정의 실제

4. 결론

