Research regarding the transmission of Bai Juyi白居易’s collection of poetry to the Korean peninsula, focusing on the controversy surrounding a certain merchant of the Silla Dynasty新羅’ buying his poetry
In this study, the author has attempted to illustrate the major issues of modern research concerning the transmission of Bai Juyi白居易 to the Korean peninsula. This overview was attempted from the aspect of development of Korea Chinese literature in the age of the Union Silla 統一新羅 Dynasty (669~935) to Bai Juyi白居易’s collection of poetry transmission, as well as the research of the transmission of Chinese literature in general. More specifically, the problem of early research regarding the controversy claiming that the Prime Minister of the Union Silla Dynasty bought Bai Juyi白居易 s poetry and prose for a large sum of money is reviewed in detail. Here we shall also study the historical evidence for the transmission of Bai Juyi白居易 s poetry and prose through the consideration of historical documents. The author hopes hereby to illuminate the relation between the transmission of Chinese literature and the development of Korea Chinese literature by clarifying exactly how Chinese literature was transmitted to the Korean peninsula at that time. When Bai Juyi白居易 s collection of works was compiled in 824 by Yuan Zhen元稹 (779~831), the piece 白氏長慶集序 introduces the following: episode Moreover, that merchants of the Silla Dynasty had bought in the market…… , being an example of Bai Juyi白居易 s poetry and prose becoming popular even in foreign countries. Incidentally, 兪炳禮 and 朴現圭 iterated sentences relating to this episode, and after a mistake in the original Chinese written interpretation had been made, this controversy was renewed when it was said that it had been fabricated by some children in the 平水provinces. Moreover, 兪炳禮 and 金卿東 insisted that Bai Juyi白居易 s poetry was not able to be received, considering that the Chinese poetry had not developed in poetical circles of the Silla Dynasty at that time. In addition, they insisted that versions of Bai Juyi白居易 s poetry and prose were received only around the middle of the Korea 高麗Dynasty. On the contrary, the author would like to put forth the following conclusion: The Union Silla Dynasty maintained an amiable diplomatic relation with the Tang 唐 Dynasty, and sent messengers that were able to produce poetry and prose almost every year throughout the 元和 period (806~820), just when Bai Juyi白居易 s poetry and prose had become popular. In addition, it was insisted that in those days the international student of the Union Silla Dynasty had to study poetry and prose to pass the 賓貢科 , for which reason he spent many years of study in the Chinese capital 長安 in the Tang Dynasty. In fact, we may confirm that 金士信 had an intimate relation with writers of the Tang Dynasty while staying in 長安. This may be verified in light of two points: First, through consideration of the farewell poem that張籍 (768~830), a friend of Bai Juyi白居易, literature sent to 金士信. Second, international students, such as金雲卿 and金立之, are recorded as having passed the 賓貢科 examination of the Tang Dynasty. Their poetry has been collected in the ꡔ千載佳句ꡕ compiled in Japan by 大江維時(888~963) Based on these facts, it is clear to what degree the international students of the Silla Dynasty studied and produced poetry and prose. Furthermore, it is obvious that poetry written by a certain Prime Minister of the Silla Dynasty at that time was based almost entirely on 元稹 s 鶏林賈人求詩 , in virtue of the beautiful verses recorded on the inscription of 断俗寺神行禅師碑 written by the Prime Minister金献貞of the Silla Dynasty in the year 813.
1. 머리말
2. ‘鷄林賈人求詩’설에 관한 선행 연구의 재검토
3. 白居易 시문의 유행과 ‘鷄林賈人求詩’설
4. 白居易 시문의 전래 경로
5. 新羅留學生과 『千載佳句』
6. ‘鷄林賈人求詩’설의 眞僞문제
7. 결론을 대신하여