This thesis is for the emphasizing of significance of XinHua in Chinese novel history. XinHua type novels include Lüchuangxinhua(綠窓新話)·Jiandengxinhua(剪燈新話)·Jiandengyuhua(剪燈餘話)·Jinaoxinhua(金鰲新話)etc. XinHua type novels had been published the middle and later period of Ming Dynasty, and they are very important material showing a transitional stage of novels forms from romance in the Dang Dynasty to the classical tales of East-Asia in the 15-17 century. We can see not only every period XinHua type novels has new paradigm but also aspects of East-Asia novel system. Especially, in the social mood of rejection of novels in Chosun, the publishment of a glossary for a novel really was an accident in the history of novels. Considering the fact that along with Kin Si-seup s Jinaoxinhua(金鰲新話), Chuanqimanlu(傳奇漫錄) in Vietnam and Jiabeizi(伽婢子) in Japan were influenced by Jiandengxinhua, its influence should not be regarded as a peculiarity of Chosun. However, Jiandengxinhua received such interest and affection even in Chosun scholars and officials trend to reject novels that it was very special on the sides of literature and theme.
1. 들어가는 말
2. 중국문학사에서 ‘新話’의 유래와 함의
3. 명대 ‘新話’類 소설의 형성 배경
4. ‘新話’類 소설의 전통을 이어간