Jeon, Woo, whose penname is Gan-jae, is a representative Korean Confucian during the last Jeoson dynasty (South Korea) and also the last scholar from Jella province, who takes over the school of the famous Korean Confucian Yeol-gok and Woo-am. Throughout his life, Gan-jae devoted his passion to research and study on Confucianism and kept his faith in Confucianideas, values and corresponding manners. Concerning the chaos during the Japanese occupation, Gan-jae supported the idea of Wee-jong-chuk-sa (excluding the Western influence) based on his faith in Confucianism. While observing the chaos of Japanese occupation over the Korean peninsula and the Confucian crisis caused by that, he was willing to live his life by the words of Confucian such as morality can be established by basic principles of life. Gan-jae s major achievements as a scholar include the effort to renew the old Confucian idea to correspond with the new era of that time. Though we have, recently, observed a movement of establishing the academy of Gan-jae school and conducted a couple of research on what Gan-jae had accomplished, any research on his poetry hasn t been completed yet. Throughout his life, he wrote a total of fourteen different books and, of them, seven books are about filial piety and the others are about acharnement. This report focuses on how Gan-jae recognized the world of his time from his ethical point of view and on how he expressed his thoughts through Yeep-jeon-u-sic. Only through the analysis of his works, Gan-jae s thoughts can be revealed.
1. 緖論
2. 倫理的 側面에서 본 時代認識
3. 人物의 形狀과 立傳意識
4. 結論